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chlorite vermiculite minerals
The abundance of chlorite smectite minerals within fault rock of the SAFOD borehole show the occurrence of chlorite smectite or chlorite vermiculite minerals . bulletin of the geological society of america vol 67 pp.
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vermiculite, illite-vermiculite, illite-smectite, chlorite-smectite and kaolinite-smectite. Corrensite (Chlorite-Vermiculite mixed layer) is more common in Dyana section and less common in Khalefan section. The 001 peak appears at 27 Å, the second and third order reflections appear at ~16 – ~8 Å respectively (Brown, 1961). The glycolated ...
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Interstratified Chlorite/Smectite ("Metamorphic Vermiculite") …
Interstratified Chlorite/Smectite ("Metamorphic Vermiculite") in the Upper Precambrian Greywackes of Rouez, Sarthe, France Author(s) Daniel …
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smectite, chlorite and a regular interlayered chlorite-vermiculite in soils developed on a small serpentinite body massif central, france. author ... smectite chlorite argile interstratifiee vermiculite pedogenese serpentine serpentinite geomorphologie pedologie formation superficielle geologie sciences de la terre roche metamorphique
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Clays and Clay Minerals
Mixed-layer illite-dioctahedral smectite (I-S) and R0 chlorite-ctahedral smectite are the main clay minerals, with I-S clays varying downward from R1 to R3 ordering and 50 to >90% illite over ...
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Ferrous-iron-bearing vermiculite-smectite series formed during ...
Ferrous-iron-bearing vermiculite-smectite series formed during alteration of chlorite to kaolinite, Otago Schist, New Zealand - Volume 19 Issue 4
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smectite, and vermiculite groups. Talc [Mg3Si4Oio(OH)2] and pyrophyllite [Al2Si4Oio(OH)2] are typical representa-tives of electrically neutral 2:1 type minerals in which adjacent layers are joined to each other by van der Waals bonds (Fig. 2). Although these two minerals are found infrequently in soils (2), their structure serves as a model
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Chlorites and Hydroxy-Interlayered Vermiculite and Smectite
Hydroxy-AI interlayered smectite and vermiculite are thought to occur in soils as either weathering products derived from chlorite weathering or more commonly from the deposition of hydroxy-AI polymeric components within the interlayer spaces of these expansible or limited expansible layer silicates.
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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Clay Mineral Assemblages in the …
In this study, clay and non-clay minerals in the cement of Cretaceous volcanogenic–sedimentary rocks from the bottom of the marginal seas of the north-western Pacific Ocean and adjacent areas were studied. Corrensite and mixed-layer chlorite–smectite, rectorite and mixed-layer illite–smectite, chlorite, swelling chlorite (?), illite, kaolinite, …
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Chlorite (Mineral) - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Chlorites are rather infrequent minerals in soils and when present they generally occur in small amounts. Chlorite weathers to form vermiculite and smectite, and the ease with which chlorites break down makes them sensitive indicators of weathering. View chapter Purchase book Clay Mineralogy and Chemistry
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Smectite, chlorite and a regular interlayered chlorite-vermiculite …
Three soil profiles developed on a serpentinite body (La Roche- l'Abeille, near Limoges) show three stages of weathering. All soils contain iron-rich smectites and secondary chlorites. The latter are very silica-rich, more so than 14 A chlorites from crystalline rocks. In the (B)lg horizon of the hydromorphic profile, these minerals seem to give a reaction of the type: soil interstratified ...
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clay mineral - Vermiculite | Britannica
Chlorite structures are relatively thermally stable compared to kaolinite, vermiculite, and smectite minerals and are thus resistant to high temperatures. Because of this, after heat treatment at 500°–700° C, the presence of a characteristic X-ray diffraction peak at 14 Å is widely used to identify chlorite minerals.
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Clay stratigraphy of the Lambeth Group of borehole IOD8R
Reflection areas for mixed layer clays (slightly swelling illite-smectite, highly swelling illite-smectite and illite-chlorite-smectite) ... Chlorites and hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite and smectite. J.B. Dixon, S.B. Weed (Eds.), Minerals in Soil Environments, Soil Science Society of America (1989), pp. 729-788.
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Chlorite-smectite clay minerals and fault behavior: New …
The thickness of a chlorite and smectite layer together is typically ∼2.9 nm, whereas the chlorite lattices are ∼1.4 nm thick. Some areas in the fault gouge show characteristic wavy chlorite-smectite particles of 10–30 nm average thickness, surrounding and partly replacing small chrysotile minerals ( Fig. 6C ).
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Layer silicate clays Genesis and classification
Fine-grained micas, chlorite, and vermiculite are formed through rather mild weathering of primary aluminosilicate minerals, whereas kaolinite and oxides of iron and aluminum are products of much more intense weathering ... Terms such as "chlorite-vermiculite" and "mica - smectite" are used to describe mixed layer minerals.
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"Chloritized" Vermiculite and Smectite in some Inceptisols and …
vermiculite-kaolin mineral but not a hydroxy-AI interlayered vermiculite. The present paper reports the results of a similar study on "chloritized" vermiculite or smectite in the B horizons of Inceptiso)s derived from volcanic ash and Spodosols. These soils usually contain "active" forms of aluminum (7, 8, 12) and are considered
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the intensities due to mica, vermiculite, smectite and chlorite-vermiculite intergrade. The intensity of the 1.20 nm peak of the Mg-saturated and glycerol-solvated specimen was used to calculate the content of the mica/chlorite or mica/vermiculite mixed-layer mineral.
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Characterization of Hydroxy-Interlayered Vermiculite and Illite ...
Characterization of Hydroxy-Interlayered Vermiculite and Illite/Smectite Interstratified Minerals from the Weathering of Chlorite in a Cryorthod Clays and Clay Minerals, 1993 Sabine Petit
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USGS OFR01-041: Mixed-layer clays
Commonly described mixed-layer clays include: illite-vermiculite, illite-smectite, chlorite-vermiculite (corrensite), chlorite-smectite, and kaolinite-smectite. Mixed-layer clays can form by weathering involving the removal or uptake of …
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Ferrous-iron-bearing vermiculite-smectite series formed during ...
Ferrous-iron-bearing vermiculite-smectite series formed during alteration of chlorite to kaolinite, Otago Schist, New Zealand Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 July 2018 D. Craw Article Metrics Rights & Permissions Abstract HTML view is …
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Chlorites and Hydroxy-Interlayered Vermiculite and Smectite
Vermiculite and Smectite RICHARD I. BARNHISEL, University oj Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky PAUL M. BERTSCH, University ojGeorgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina Chlorites are not as abundant as some other clay minerals in soils, but when present they play significant roles in the chemical environment.
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Characteristics of Clay Minerals in Podzols and Podzolic Soils
The predominance of smectite and/or mica-smectite interstratified minerals characterized the eluvial hori- zons, and chlorite-vermiculite, chlorite and/or mica min- erals in addition to the free sesquioxides were present almost only in the illuvial horizons. The conclusion in this review is different to that drawn by Alexander et al.
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It is difficult to find direct evidence in the data for a relationship between the weathering of chlorite to smectite or vermiculite and the deterioration of the rock. It is uncertain if the occurrence of the expandable clay is aue to weathering, since it may also have formed during late-stage metamorphic reactions.
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Interstratified Chlorite/Smectite ("Metamorphic Vermiculite") in the ...
Interstratified Chlorite/Smectite ("Metamorphic Vermiculite") in the Upper Precambrian Greywackes of Rouez, Sarthe, France Author(s) Daniel …
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Chlorites and Hydroxy-Interlayered Vermiculite and Smectite
This chapter discusses the influence of hydroxy-AI interlayer components on the cation exchange capacity of smectites and vermiculites. Hydroxy-AI interlayered smectite and vermiculite are thought to occur in soils as either weathering products derived from chlorite weathering or more commonly from the deposition of hydroxy-AI polymeric components within the interlayer …
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32 classi fi cation of clay minerals clay minerals
For information, the scheme of Windom (in Velde 1995) gives a general idea about the distribution of the main clay minerals (illite, smectite, kaolinite and chlorite) in surface sediments of the different ocean basins (Fig. 7). 3.6 The Geological Cycle of Clays Clay minerals that form clays materialize the geological history of recycling of the lithosphere.
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Weathering of Chlorite: I. Reactions and Products in …
The alteration of chlorite to vermiculite was characterized by the loss of Mg and Fe and minor Al, all ions considered to be lost from the brucite-like sheet of chlorite. The Fe released during the alteration of vermiculite to kaolinite is likely to …
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Smectite, chlorite and a regular interlayered chlorite-vermiculite in ...
Tous les sols contiennent des smectites riches en fer et des chlorites secondaires. Ces derniers sont très riches en silice et leur teneur est mème supérieure à celle des chlorites de 14 A en provenance de roches cristallines. Dans l'horizon (B) 1g d'une coupe hydromorphe, ces minéraux semblent donner une reaction du type:
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Chlorite and Smectite
Smectite, chlorite and a regular interlayered chlorite-vermiculite in soils developed on a small serpentinite body Massif Central, France - Volume 11 Issue 2. Chlorites and Hydroxy‐Interlayered Vermiculite and Smectite. Areas for basal reflections of smectite, illite, and chlorite, plus quartz. PDF Weathering of Chlorite to
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Chlorites and Hydroxy-Interlayered Vermiculite and Smectite
X-ray identification of chlorite in the presence of smectite is accom plished by saturating the specimen with Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions and adding glycerol or ethylene glycol. This latter treatment expands smectite to about 1. 7 to 1.8 nm, whereas chlorite remains unaffected.
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