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Kom Ombo – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Nebit – nazwa napisana hieroglifami.. Kom Ombo leży nad Nilem, 50 km na północ od Asuanu, co pozwalało czerpać zyski z cła, gdyż przebiegał tamtędy szlak handlowy z Nubii do Doliny Nilu. Okres głównego rozkwitu miasta przypada na czasy panowania Ptolemeusza V, gdy to w Kom Ombo (gr. Ombos) powstał obóz stacjonujących tam żołnierzy.. Najstarsze odkryte ślady …
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Mills Kom Ombo Fax
I had to use my phone's flashlight to Sailing to Edfu, then Kom Ombo Temple Call Me Mochelle Mills Kom Ombo Fax Kom Ombo Temple added 3 new photos to the album: Kom Ombo Temple — with Akram Faheem. April 20, 2013 · Located in the town of Kom-Ombo, about 28 miles north of Aswan, the Temple, dating to the Ptolemies, is built on a high dune ...
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Kom Ombo - Le Savoir Perdu Des Anciens
L'aspect le plus frappant du temple de Kom Ombo est le fait qu'il a été dédié à deux dieux égyptiens, Sobek le dieu à tête de crocodile et Horus le dieu à tête de faucon. Pour compliquer davantage les choses, les anciens Égyptiens croyaient que Sobek et Seth étaient des alliés lors de ce dernier conflit avec Horus.
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Kom Ombo | Templo de Kom Ombo - Memphis Tours
Descubra Kom Ombo. Construído há mais de dois mil anos, o templo de Kom Ombo é considerado único porque a sua estrutura significava que havia tribunais, salões, santuários e quartos duplicados para dois deuses da mitologia egípcia. O templo duplo é dedicado a duas divindades, o deus crocodilo Sobek, conhecido como deus da fertilidade e ...
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9 Epic Things to See at the Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt
11)Wielki Dziedziniec z ołtarzem – The Great Court with the Altar. 12)Mammisi (Dom Urodzin Boga-Dziecka) – Mammisi (Birth House) 13)Sala Fundacji Świątyni – Hall of the Temple's Fundation. 14)Sala Ofiar – Hall of victims. 15)Sala Posągów – Hall of statues. 16)Kaplica Sobeka – The Chapel of Sobek.
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Kom Ombo - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Kom Ombo (كوم أمبو) es una villa agrícola de Egipto de unos 60.000 habitantes, situada en la ribera oriental del río Nilo, cuarenta kilómetros al norte de Asuán y 165 kilómetros al sur de Luxor.Existe una numerosa población nubia procedente del sur, desplazada por la construcción del lago Nasser.El emplazamiento es conocido en la actualidad por su singular templo de …
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Kom Ombo: An Egyptian Temple Dedicated to Two Rival Gods
Kom Ombo (meaning the 'Mound of Ombo') is an ancient Egyptian town located in what is today the Aswan Governorate of Upper Egypt, about 50 km (31 miles) to the north of Aswan. Kom Ombo is notable primarily for its temple, which is known simply as the Temple of Kom Ombo. This temple is unique due to the fact that it is dedicated to two gods ...
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Abu Simbel e Templo Kom Ombo - Egito com crianças - Parte 3
#Egito #egypt #viagemcomcriancas #abusimbel #komombo #aswan #oqfazer #cairo #viajar #gize
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Kom Ombo - Wikitravel
Kom Ombo (Arabic: كوم أمبو) is a medium-sized Egyptian town in the region of Upper Egypt, located on the east bank of the river Nile some 65 km south of Edfu and some 50 km north of Aswan.Population 60,000. Understand []. Kom Ombo is an agricultural town, producing mostly irrigated sugar cane and corn, and unremarkable but for the unusual double temple of …
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Kom Ombo, un templo de doble dedicación - Destino Infinito
Kom Ombo, un templo de doble dedicación. por destinoinfinito 3 julio, 2014. El templo de Sobek y Haroeris (o también conocido popularmente como Templo de Kom Ombo), en Kom Ombo, data de alrededor del año 180 antes de Cristo, de la época ptolemaica. Se encuentra justo en la orilla del Nilo entre Edfu y Asúan, lo que le convierte en una ...
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Temple Of Kom Ombo Art | Fine Art America
Shop for temple of kom ombo wall art from the world's greatest living artists. All temple of kom ombo artwork ships within 48 hours and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. Choose your favorite temple of kom ombo designs and purchase them as wall art, home decor, phone cases, tote bags, and more!
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Kôm Ombo - Wikipedia
Kôm Ombo è una piccola cittadina dell'Egitto posta sulla riva orientale del Nilo.Si trova a circa quaranta km a nord di Assuan, nei pressi di una vasta pianura coltivata a canna da zucchero e granturco.. Dagli Egizi era chiamata Nubyt e compresa nel I nomo dell'Alto Egitto divenendo provincia autonoma solo a partire dalla XVIII dinastia.Situata sulla carovaniera per le miniere …
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Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt: The Complete Guide - TripSavvy
The Upper Egyptian town of Kom Ombo rose to greatness under the rule of the Ptolemaic kings, who made it the capital of the Ombite nome and selected it as the site for the double temple now known as the Temple of Kom Ombo.Built on the east bank of the River Nile on an outcrop once frequented by basking crocodiles, the temple is unique in that it has two …
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Kom Ombo, Kom Ombo Temple Egypt - Luxor and Aswan
Along with Esna and Edfu, Kom Ombo is the third major stop that most of the Nile cruises between Luxor and Aswan make on their journey. Located only 30 miles north of Aswan, it is also easy to visit Kom Ombo on a daytrip by car;
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Kom Ombo – Im Tempel des Krokodil Gottes - Studi's Reisen
Kom Ombo Tempel; Der Tempel wurde in der ptolemäischen Epoche erst 304 bis 31 v. Chr. gebaut. Die Anlage war aber den Überschwemmungen des Nils ausgesetzt und ist daher teils stark zerstört. Einige der Bildhauer-Arbeiten wurden durch die Christen zerstört. Hier wurden meistens die Gesichter weggekratzt. Kom Ombo beim Sonnenuntergang
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Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for ACWA POWER KOM OMBO FOR ENERGY S.A.E. of Cairo, Cairo. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.
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Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for ACWA POWER KOM OMBO FOR ENERGY S.A.E. of Cairo, Cairo. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.
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Kom Ombo Temple - History and Facts | History Hit
The Kom Ombo Temple in Egypt is a sacred Ptolemaic temple co-dedicated to the crocodile deity Sobek and falcon-headed Haroeris. This dual-dedication is quite atypical and is reflected in the symmetrical design of the Kom Ombo Temple. Built under Ptolemy VI of the Ptolemaic Dynasty in the 2nd century BC, the Kom Ombo Temple was added to under the …
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Kom Ombo Gifts & Merchandise | Redbubble
High quality Kom Ombo-inspired gifts and merchandise. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours.
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Capítulo 31 - Templos Tholemaicos - Templo de Kom-Ombo
Templo de Kom Ombo. En el Egipto faraónico, los cocodrilos y su peligro para los seres humanos y animales ha dado lugar desde muy temprano y en todas partes de que los reptiles acorazados fueran declarados una deidad. En honor al dios Sobek fueron erigidos templos en todo el país para apaciguar su culto en ellos.
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Tempel von Kom Ombo – Safari Afrika
Lage. Der altägyptische Doppeltempel von Kom Ombo liegt direkt am östlichen Nilufer in Oberägypten und etwa 3,5 km vom Zentrum der Stadt Kom Ombo entfernt. Die Tempelanlage liegt etwa 150 km südlich von Luxor und etwa 40 km nördlich von Assuan. Bis zum Nassersee sind es etwa 55 km im Süden Ägyptens.
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Nil i świątynia boga Sobka w Kom Ombo. - TRAVELANDRUN
Świątynia Sobka w Kom Ombo jest jednym z najważniejszych miejsc czci tego boga. Czczony był tutaj też bóg Horus. Sobek, jako bóg życia, zdrowia i sił witalnych prawdopodobnie „osobiście nadzorował" operacje i zabiegi, które, jak się dziś przypuszcza, odbywały się na terenie świątyni. Narzędzia chirurgiczne.
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Die Tempelruinen von Kom Ombo - STERN TOURS
Kom Ombo - Tempelruinen am Nilufer. Ein beliebtes Ausflugs- und Besichtigungsziel für Ägyptenreisende sind die Tempelruinen von Kom Ombo. Direkt am Nilufer, auf halber Strecke zwischen Assuan und Edfu gelegen, halten am Tempel zahlreiche Nilkreuzfahrtschiffe auf ihrem Weg nach Luxor.
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mills kom ombo fax
a city in the south of the Arab Republic of Egypt, on the right bank of the Nile, in the province of Aswan. Population, 27,200 (1966). Kom Ombo has a …
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Kom Ombo Temple Location - Trips in Egypt
Kom Ombo temple is a double unique temple that is located in the town of Kom Ombo 30 miles (48 km) north of the Aswan governorate in Upper Egypt. This temple was constructed during the era of the Greco-Roman but the area had been inhabited since the pre-dynastic period of Egyptian history. Many ancient burial sites were discovered in and around ...
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Site archéologique : Kom Ombo
Kom Ombo. Sur la rive droite du Nil à 45 km d'Assouan, les ruines du temple de Kôm-Ombo constituent l'un des lieux les plus pittoresques de l'ancienne égypte. Comme à Edfou, on y trouve un temple ptolémaïque qui a remplacé un temple plus ancien, construit par Thoutmosis III. Le premier roi de l'époque hellénistique dont on lit le nom ...
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Zaplanuj podróż do Wilna i w szybki sposób dokonaj rezerwacji …
Wybierz hotel w Wilnie i zwiedzaj tą niezwykłą stolicę Litwy. Liczne kościoły, zabytki, uliczki oraz muzea. - wilno-hotele.pl
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Kom Ombo - Wikipedia
Kom Ombo (Egyptian Arabic: كوم أمبو ; Coptic: Ⲉⲙⲃⲱ Embo; Ancient Greek: Ὄμβοι Omboi or Ὄμβος Ombos; or Latin: Ambo and Ombi is an agricultural town in Egypt famous for the Temple of Kom Ombo.It was originally an Egyptian city called Nubt, meaning City of Gold (not to be confused with the city north of Naqada that was also called Nubt/Ombos).
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Temple of Kom Ombo | Temple of crocodile God Sobek
The Temple of Kom Ombo was constructed on the ruins of a much older temple called "Ber Sobek", or the house of the god Sobek. This older temple was erected by two 18th dynasty rules: King Tuthmosis III and Queen Hatshepsut, whose marvelous temple is still standing in the West Bank of Luxor. The temple of Kom Ombo was built during the period ...
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The Egyptian Temple of Kom Ombo - ANCIENT EGYPT ONLINE
The Temple of Kom Ombo. Kom Ombo is one of the more unusual temples in Egypt. Due to the conflict between Sobek and Horus, the ancient Egyptians felt it necessary to separate their temple spaces within one temple. The Kom Ombo temple has two entrances, two courts, two colonnades, two Hypostyle halls and two sanctuaries, one side for each god.
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